Monday, November 19, 2012

Do you smell what I smell?

Do you smell what I smell?

The stinking rich I find it all to interesting that the stinking rich are doing nothing but getting richer. I think about this in terms that you never really hear about really wealthy people losing ALL their money. Oh what a tragedy this would be for a wealthy person to know what it is like to have to figure where their next meal is coming from. I wonder what they would do if they had to shop at the thrift stores oven forbid they have to rent and never own anything again.
I know some pretty wealthy people and the things that they need done for them surprise the heck out of me. When I think about the filthy rich I think about the movie with Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd Trading Places (1983). Dan character loses all his money and Eddie Murphy’s character tries to help him to get it all back. The movie is hilarious (you should watch it if you have not.) The great part about the movie is the fact that Eddie Murphy’s character helps him get his wealth back even after Dan’s character has him arrested. I find it interesting that the playing field is not the same until it is even. Why can’t the person up top ever feel the need to reach down and help the person below out? It is not until the former wealthy are looking for someone to help them that they understand what it feels like.  This is the only time when people understand.
I reflect on a friend of mine who talked about how much he was saving and how he did not care to help others who did not have the kind of money he had. But it was not until he lost all is money in an unfortunate situation that his stink did not smell so bad!

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