Monday, October 29, 2012

Pick the Level of Your Class.

I find the writer admirable for admitting there is a problem that he is a part of. I am not a numbers woman and so in thinking about how this article relates, it put me in mind of a television show I was watching last week on BET. I will admit the broadcast had a lot to do with supporting President Obama and his campaign. But there was a lot of mentioning about, how the rich do not feel the same hurt that the poor and middle class feel. In watching the broadcast I thought about the number of people I know who have lost their jobs, lost their houses, lost their families, and lives lost.  I agree with that statement in so many ways.
The rich or super rich as Noah refers to, there is a time now that their needs to be some shared responsibility. I just find it is so unfair that the person that makes three to four times my salary is getting a break when it comes to taxes. So again they are not feeling the hurt that I feel. No one in either of these classes have to choose whether or not to pay your rent over car note. Or gas in the car over your child’s tuition. Or do they have to think about living in a bad neighborhood over a good neighborhood.
In a course I took there was a discussion of where the middle class began and the poor class ended, I realized that I was barely missing the mark.  I read on in an article that stated, “As of 2009, the poverty threshold as determined by the U.S. Census Bureau had not changed since 2006. For a family of four, it was $21,203. For a family of three, it was $16,530. For a family of two and unrelated individuals, it was $13,540 and $10,590, respectively.” ( I do not know for you but for me this was scary. It is truly something to think about.  
And I guess for those who do have to worry about where they lie when it comes to class this is not a concern.

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